Dear Friends,
The end of the year is rapidly approaching.
Time to give you an update on the developments in and around our school. These last six months have been busy and filled with many activities and new experiences.
We started a play group for toddler based on the Montessori way of working under the guidance of Miss Deli who is doing this volunteerly. Miss Sri is the new teacher in this group. She is getting her training through school and she will take over from miss Deli as soon as she is ready. She will graduate next year.
Our elementary department took off with the opening of two classes; Grade one and two. Miss Elly is our new enthusiastic teacher. The input from the parents in this part of the program has been priceless.
Also new in the teaching department is Miss Ninda, an assistant teacher who does individual work with the children which need some extra attention.
Our program for teaching parents ‘how to read to your child’ really keeps going strongly. We could not have foreseen how happy it makes parents to develop the skills needed to have some happy reading time with their kids. We can only hope that this will lead to children turning into ‘Happy Readers’!
Last but not least; our Green Rangers program took off under the guidance off intern, Damian Krings and with the financial help of Rotary Club Euskirchen, Germany. Thirty young children will get a six month training in working with sustainable garbage mangament systems and will be working as Green activists in their communities. Read more about our Green Ranger project here;
Time flies. It has been three and a half years since we moved to the new school building. All have worked hard to get the building set up and operational. It took many hands. There are small jobs and big jobs to be done and slowly we are getting there. Many thanks to all the helping hands!
In March we will be starting developing the next part of the building. We need more space- so it is time now. We hope to be able to carry the school successfully into the next stage. We will keep you informed on the developments.
Again, school got so much help from different people, we can impossibly mention everybody’s name, and many of these people prefer to stay anonymous too, but we would like to say;
THANK YOU, to ALL the sponsors and helpers- big and small-. THANK YOU for your ongoing support.
We wish everybody a nice Summer - Winter break (depending on where you are on this planet)
Your generous support makes it possible for our organization to continue bringing good education to the children of our community. We believe that every child has the right to grow up happy, healthy with an education.
Thank you again for your support!
The Window to the World team
You can reach us at:
Jalan Pisang in Kalibukbuk,
just off Jalan Damai,
Bali, Indonesia
Call us
+62 (0) 821 4757 2228 Indonesian
+62 (0) 852 3868 5151 English